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Sourcecon Roundtable: Mike and Jonathan Recap
Sourcecon - Jonathan Kidder - March 26, 2020
Mike "Batman" Cohen and Jonathan Kidder discuss the AI Sourcing and Recruiting Toolkit. They share their thoughts on everything from sourcing tools to chatbots and texting software. Check out the take aways of their 2020 Sourcecon presentation via above!
COVID-19: Adjusting to Work From Home
ATAP - Julia "Wonder Woman" Adler - March 19, 2020
Check out some tips and tricks from Julia "Wonder Woman" Adler on how to adjust from an office work style to working from home. While working from home may seem like a no-brainer, it can be more difficult than expected! Published on the ATAP website.
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Natural Language Search as a New Sourcer
Sourcecon - Nikao "Nightwing" Hill - February 19, 2020
New to the industry? Check out Nikao "Nightwing" Hill's perspective on playing with natural language searches as a new sourcer. He speaks about the nuances of becoming familiar with boolean and maximizing your search via Sourcecon. 
COVID-19 Recruiter Snapshot: 10 Days In
Rectxt - Brian Thompson
Mike "Batman" Cohen and Christine Clay discuss their perspectives on how COVID-19 is effecting them as Talent Acquisition professionals. How will the pandemic effect the industry-- short term and long term? Check out their opinions on the near future of the sourcing and recruiting industry via Rectxt.
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The Recruiter's Technology Stack - Mike "Batman" Cohen" - December 16, 2019
Mike "Batman" Cohen advises on his favorite technologies to use for each step of the sourcing and recruiting process. Check out tooling for AI sourcing, calendar automation, email finding and more. Published on
Which Recruiting Tools Should I Use?
HR Daily Advisor - Melissa Blazejak - September 10, 2019
Mike "Batman" Cohen speaks with Melissa Blazejak on what recruiting and sourcing tools work best for him. Learn how you can make a business case to leadership on working with paid tooling for talent acquisition via HR Daily Advisor. 
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10 Free Tools for Recruiters
HR Daily Advisor - Melissa Morse - August 15, 2019
Mike "Batman" Cohen discusses a free sourcing toolkit with Melissa Morse of HR Daily Advisor. Learn about tools you can use to enhance your search for free if you can't justify a paid TA tool. While these tools are free, Mike can't live without them!
The Best Sourcing Tool
Sourcecon - Mike "Batman" Cohen - March 15, 2019
Mike "Batman" Cohen knows the best tool to use while sourcing-- the internet! While some may be itching to learn about the "best" tool, there may be different bests for different tasks. Learn about how Mike decides on his tooling while he is sourcing via Sourcecon.
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Building a Consumer Persona for Sourcing
Sourcecon - Mike "Batman" Cohen - February 20, 2019
Mike "Batman" Cohen discusses the importance of building your consumer persona when it comes to messaging candidates. Not only will this help you decide what type of person you should be reaching out to the role, but how you will most effectively reach them. Published on Sourcecon.
25 Great Phone Interview Tips
UP Journey - Carmen Jacob - February 17, 2019
Carmen Jacob picks the brains of industry experts, including our own Mike "Batman" Cohen, on knocking a phone interview out of the park. Check it out for advice and tricks to make sure you are having a strong phone interview regardless of the position or company! Published on UP Journey.
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Valentines Day: Fewer Love It
CBS News - Irina Ivanova - February 11, 2019
Mike "Batman" Cohen is one of the few who still love Valentine's Day! While many people see the holiday as couples-exclusive and consumer-driven, learn about how Mike celebrates Valentine's day and why he finds it to be so important. Published on CBS News.
How to Deliver EI Messages
Sourcecon - Mike "Batman" Cohen - February 5, 2019
Are your message templates getting a low response rate? Mike "Batman" Cohen explains the importance of emotionally intelligently messaging your candidates. Check out ways you can freshen up your messages to get candidates on the hook! Published via Sourcecon.
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Do We Need LinkedIn Recruiter?
Sourcecon - Mike "Batman" Cohen - January 23, 2019
As AI improves and more tools become available to recruiters that utilize smart searching, will we still need LinkedIn Recruiter? Mike "Batman" Cohen weighs in on the subject-- pointing to the pros and cons of AI sourcing and LinkedIn recruiter via Sourcecon.
7 Recruiting Recipes For Your Cookbook
Dice - Dice Guest - December 11, 2018
Are you getting bored of your usual recruiting recipe? Try out some new strategies when it comes to your recruiting process-- and add them to your cook book! Mike "Batman" Cohen cooks up a fresh recipe on Sourcing follow-up and follow-through. Article published by Dice.
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The Art vs Science of Sourcing
Sourcecon - Mike "Batman" Cohen - December 7, 2018
Is human touch necessary in the recruiting process? While it may seem that AI can take over the traditional recruiter's role, machines lack empathy and creativity. Mike "Batman" Cohen speaks about how to best utilize AI tools as a sourcer or recruiter via Sourcecon.
What Recruiters Should Spend Their Time On
Sourcecon - Mike "Batman" Cohen - November 2, 2018
Mike "Batman" Cohen discusses the most effective time blocking strategy he has found as a sourcer and how to understand what that may look like in your schedule. Make the best use of your time to become a stronger sourcer or recruiter and advance your career! Published by Sourcecon.
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Asian businessman with his shadow of sup
4 Lessons for New Staffing Professionals
Spark Hire - Josh Tolan
Josh Tolan gathers advice from industry experts, including our own Mike "Batman" Cohen, for new talent acquisition professionals. From thinking outside the box, to knowing where your expertise lies (and in return, does not) will help you exceed expectations early on in the staffing industry. Published by Spark Hire.
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